Oral tradition indicates presence of ancestors as early as 7500 y.b.p.
August 1836 : Treaty 45 ½ October 1854 : Treaty 72 1831-1996 : Government funded, church run Residential School System 1951 – mid-1980s : Sixties Scoop (The disproportionate number of Indigenous children in foster care indicates that the practice of family separation continues, as of 2021). 1968 : Return of the Islands 1982 : Constitution Act – Affirming Aboriginal & Treaty Rights 1994 & 2003 : Saugeen Ojibway Nation modern treaty claim September 2007 : United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Adopted by Canada in 2021) 2007 : Truth and Reconciliation Commission established with report in 2015 June 2018 : Zgaa-biig-ni-gan Bridge named over the Saugeen River (Translation: “From one end to the other, we are connected.”) 2019 – 2020 : SON’s Land Claim trial with some settlements in 2021 As of October 2021, some agreements have been made. Reparations and commitments to reconciliation must continue to be upheld. |
SDSS’s Reconciliation Hall is unveiled on October 20, 2021 with the hope of engaging, empowering and connecting our school community
to ensure that the unique interests, rights and perspectives of Indigenous peoples are recognized.
Reconciliation “is about establishing and maintaining a mutually respectful relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples
in this country.” (Dept. of Justice, 2020-05-08, 1 of 2)
to ensure that the unique interests, rights and perspectives of Indigenous peoples are recognized.
Reconciliation “is about establishing and maintaining a mutually respectful relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples
in this country.” (Dept. of Justice, 2020-05-08, 1 of 2)